Phil Is Not Happy With Teddy Annoying Milo! Husky Gets Vocal!

Phil Is Not Happy With Teddy Annoying Milo! Husky Gets Vocal!

Poor Phil, he always has to try and protect his bud! Milo is definitely used to it though and despite being on a lead holds his ground. Phil has to give words of wisdom from the background as he watches. Meanwhile Niko is guarding the kids on the trampoline!
Teddy needs Buddy, or a buddy. With none of the other animals playing with him, he’s stuck still chasing his tail. Milo can take care of himself. That’s been clear for a long time. He’s been more annoyed at Teddy than this before. Phil does keep an eye on things. He wouldn’t be able to take on Teddy in a confrontation, but he wins with the evil eye every time. The look on Milo’s face when you scratched him under the chin was so precious. Total bliss. Made my night.

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