I can’t believe it The thumbnail is right. I really came to Korea. Millions of dollars of rare species have been bred

I can’t believe it The thumbnail is right. I really came to Korea. Millions of dollars of rare species have been bred

I’m learning trade these days, and as I was learning, I thought of making an importer and importing reptiles and supplying them to a sales company (?) like Theju. Of course, a lot of paperwork is required, but I like reptiles so much that I’m thinking of giving it a try.
How wonderful that their story has such a happy ending, or rather happy beginning for all three of them. Bless you for stepping up and doing the right thing regardless of the cost to you personally. All three were beautiful little bundles of energy. You are an inspiration to the rest of us, so thank you for your kind and loving act towards Ben, Abe and Masha. Purrfect ending to my week!

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